There is a burst of energy as I rush into the cold salty water
I take a few large strokes, as I inhale salt water into my lungs
Once I reach the line of people, fear overcomes me
I look around and see familiar faces, but an unfamiliar setting
The whistle is blown, signaling the dive to begin
Panic sets in and I notice I am the only one above water
I quickly go under but seem to have hit a wall
I open my eyes and see a storm of sand swirling in front of me
I try to swim down, but my arms feel like bricks
And my arms have disappeared in the storm of sand
Out of air and full of alarm, I surge to the top
Up and gasping for air, the signal has started again
I try again, but the frenzied anxiety prevents me from doing my duty
For now I have rocognized my weakness and will fulfill my duty another day
Duty Swim

Duty Swim

This is a poem inspired by a duty swim we had to do at camp
